Can American Medical Board verify a cursed death of Jesus on Cross; without an authentic medical record of Jesus?
Can American Medical Board verify a cursed death of Jesus on Cross; from a mythical data of Jesus provided by Church?
Can a Medical Board verify a cursed death of Jesus on Cross; without an authentic historical medical record of Jesus?
Is some Christian Church Medical Board working in the garb of an American Medical Board? True or false!
Such questions came into Paarsurrey ‘s mind when someone pinged on my Blog from the following Christian websites:
William D. Edwards, MD; Wesley J. Gabel, MDiv; Floyd E Hosmer, MS, AMI
Reprinted from JAMA - The Journal of the American Medical Association
March 21, 1986, Volume 256
Copyright 1986, American Medical Association
Jesus of Nazareth underwent Jewish and Roman trials, was flogged, and was sentenced to death by crucifixion. The scourging produced deep stripelike lacerations and appreciable blood loss, and it probably set the stage for hypovolemic shock, as evidenced by the fact that Jesus was too weakened to carry the crossbar (patibulum) to Golgotha. At the site of crucifixion, his wrists were nailed to the patibulum and, after the patibulum was lifted onto the upright post (stipes), his feet were nailed to the stipes. The major pathophysiologic effect of crucifixion was an interference with normal respirations. Accordingly death resulted primarily from hypovolemic shock and exhaustion asphyxia. Jesus' death was ensured by the thrust of a soldier's spear into his side. Modern medical interpretation of the historical evidence indicate that Jesus was dead when taken down from the cross.
Paarsurrey: I wanted to ask these questions to the websites that had pinged on my Blog, but I could not do so as there was no provision for any comments there.
Is there somebody here who could answer such questions on his own or on their behalf in the matter? Any peaceful response is welcome here.
I am just a lay man, not a medical doctor, in search for the truth.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
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