Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The truth about NTBible ,

Paarsurrey Says:

The truth about NTBible is that:

1. JesusYeshuaIssa did not leave the Word of God or anything in writing revealed on him from GodAllahYHWH in the form of stone tablets as was in the case of Moses.

2. Or anything written by JesusYeshuaIssa himself as a biography when he left from Galilee, after the incident of Crucifixion, alongwith his mother Mary in search of the lost ten tribes of the house of Israel, he died natural and peaceful death in Kashmir, India.

3. Jesus left nothing behind authenticated by him, in possession of the Church, as there was none in existence.

4. We do respect the NTGospels which have account of Jesus life, but it does not have much utility for a non-Catholic except that we may treat it as a book of history subject to scrutiny, internal as well as external, for each bit of event for finding truth in it on merit.

There are about 120+ writers who wrote a sort of history books about the time of Jesus, that could be logically accepted as a historical source and truth could be searched out of it like we do from other sources of history on merit of each bit of event unbiased. All these 120+ books must be treated at par but unfortunately some have been selected by the clergy and are known as NTBible while others have been discarded. This shows their bias.

The historians should come forward and sift the material for truth, if found, on equal footing from all of these 120+ books, with reason, rationality and valid arguments acceptable to the whole world, as these are claimed to be Universal by our Protestant/Catholic friends.

I respect your religion but I think I could form my own opinion freely. My Christian friends may remain steadfast on what they believe, no compulsion, and that is their own free will.


I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

The above comments made by paarsurrey on the blogsite of > http://christian-blog.org/ on the article titled “OH, HOW IMPORTANT IS MY BIBLE? The most important book in our lives” written by Pastor Tom Tennant, Vision Baptist Church, Jackson, Ohio. It was displayed on the blogsite that “Your comment was successfully added.”, however the same has not been displayed and moderated by them later. I don’t mind, it is their discretion.

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