Friday, September 26, 2008

When time for the breaking of the Cross or explaining the error of the creed of the Cross was to be made plain; that is Second Coming of Jesus

• Why should not the researchers look for blessed footprints of Jesus on the rocky soil of Nepal, Tibet, and Kashmir?

• Worship of the Cross and of the mythical sacrifice of a human being had alienated the hearts of many millions of people from the true God

• It was indeed the work of God to break the creed of the Cross

• When time for the breaking of the Cross or explaining the error of the creed of the Cross was to be made plain; that is Second Coming of Jesus

• Explaining away the mythical Cross with reality; smashes the whole structure of the Cross

Promised Messiah 1835-1908 says:

It is, indeed, unfortunate that (the investigators) when the name and mention of Jesus are contained in the ancient books of Buddhism; these investigators should adopt the awkward course of trying to find traces of Buddha’s faith in Palestine.

Why should they not search for the blessed footprints of Jesus on the rocky soil of Nepal, Tibet, and Kashmir?

I know, however, that these investigators could not be expected to discover the truth, which was hidden under a thousand veils of darkness; it was the work rather of God, who saw from heaven that man-worship, over-stepping all limits, had spread over the world and that the worship of the Cross and of the supposed sacrifice of a human being had alienated the hearts of many millions of people from the true God, Whose Jealousy sent to the world a servant of His in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, to break the creed of the Cross.

In accordance with the old promise he appeared as the Promised Messiah. Then there came the time for the breaking of the Cross, i.e. the time when the error of the creed of the Cross was to be made plain like the breaking in two of a piece of wood. So now is the time when Heaven has opened the way for the breaking of the Cross, so that a seeker after truth may look around and search for the same.

The idea of Jesus ascending into heaven, though it was an error, had nevertheless a significance, namely, that the Messianic Reality had been forgotten and had become obliterated as a corpse is eaten up by the earth of the grave; this Messianic Reality was believed to be in existence in heaven in the corporeal form of a human being.

It was inevitable, therefore, that this Reality should descend to the earth in the latter days. It has descended to the earth in this age in the shape of a living human being; it has broken the Cross; and the evils of falsehood and of worship of untruth, which our Holy Prophet in the Hadith about the Cross, has compared to swine, have been cut to pieces along with the breaking of the Cross, just as a swine is cut with the sword.

This Hadith does not mean that the Promised Messiah would kill the Kafirs and break crosses: rather, the breaking of the Cross means that in that age the God of Heaven and Earth would bring out the hidden Reality which, all of a sudden, would smash the whole structure of the Cross.

The killing of swine does not mean the killing of men nor of swine but the killing of swinish qualities — like persistence in falsehood and insistence upon presenting the same to others, which is like eating dirt. Just as, therefore, a dead swine cannot eat dirt, so, there would come a time — nay, it has come already — when evil natures would be prevented from eating dirt of this kind.

The Muslim Ulema have been misled in interpreting this prophecy. The real meaning of the breaking of the Cross and of the killing of swine is that which I have stated.

Moreover, in the time of the Promised Messiah, religious wars would be brought to an end; and Heaven would so reflect the resplendent Truth as to bring to one’s view the radiant difference between truth and falsehood.

Do not think, therefore, that I have come with a sword. Nay, I have come to put all swords back into their sheaths. The world has been fighting a good deal in the dark. Many a man has attacked his true well-wishers, wounded the hearts of sympathetic friends, and injured his dear ones. But now, darkness is no more. Night is gone and now it is day. Blessed is he who remains deprived no longer!

Paarsurrey says:

Please read the above view-point of the Promised Messiah and accept the truth only if it satisfies your heart and soul, your mind and conscience;absolutely no compulsion.

My Christian friends should feel free to make any peaceful comments; even if they differ with me.

I love Jesus , Mary and Muhammad.


I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

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